AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Business Site

AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Business Site
AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Business Site
AT&T supports customers and employees with friendly and reliable Wi-Fi users.

If you want to choose the suitable Wi-Fi solution for your business and totally manage the Wi-Fi network via a friendly online portal, let’s consider AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Business Site. The site offers you two packages with distinctive account management and reporting options, including:

Starter Package

Allow gettiing business-grade Wi-Fi which is simple and easy to manage. Choose the Starter Package, you can get:
  • Change the password of your small group Wi-Fi network
  • Edit the information appearing on your public Wi-Fi sign in page
  • View the number of users access to your public Wi-Fi network
Standard Package

Gain greater miner and control through your Wi-Fi solutions. The Package provides all the capabilities and advantages of the Starter Package and plus the ability to:
  • Manage the names and passwords of your public and small group Wi-Fi network
  • Create a brand, Wi-Fi connection customer facing page
  • Supply small business Wi-Fi with 4G LTE backup connection
  • Manage user access with URL advanced filtering options
  • View the number, device model and sign-on method of Wi-Fi users on your small business public network

AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Site: powerful connectivity in a user-friendly package

AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Site is an intuitive, smart solution which provides free Wi-Fi for customers, plus higher private and secure connection for employees. With Wi-Fi-Small Site, you can:
  • Access public and private Wi-Fi connection by just a few minutes
  • Encourage customer remain access longer
  • Support business processes with dependence wireless connection
  • Help business and customer traffic separate and high secure
  • Create guidelines for public business Wi-Fi with customizable URL filtering
Fast Wi-Fi setup - right out of the box

AT&T Wi-Fi-Small Site configures your wireless network for public and small business Wi-Fi access automatically by separating customers and employees access which help you make your guests happy and your business get high secured.

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